Notice this page is an informal log of some of the debugging and troubleshooting for Nvidia drivers and Kernel updates problems. Nvidia provides Linux/Ubuntu drivers out of the box. Installing them is really easy such as running `sudo ubuntu-drivers install` . Quite often though these drivers might not be compatible or still have problems so […]
This is a quick note on how to work with doctrine migrations When a change in the mapping is done you can run I have no name!@7efd2339724b:/var/www/html$ bin/console doctrine:schema:validate Mapping ------- [OK] The mapping files are correct. Database -------- [ERROR] The database schema is not in sync with the current mapping file. This will show […]
Why are certain banks so bad when it comes to naming your e-statements from your accounts? Why when you download a statement from your account you get a PDF names like “b5862f22-c86f-4195-a756-8ea2e009da85.pdf“. Would it help if the file had a more meaningful name such as “MYACCOUNT-NAME_ACCOUNT-NUMBER_YYYYMMDD.pdf” where you know from the name exactly what account […]