• info@bizmate.biz

Give meaningful names to your Natwest bank statements using bash and phptotext

Give meaningful names to your Natwest bank statements using bash and phptotext

Why are certain banks so bad when it comes to naming your e-statements from your accounts?

Why when you download a statement from your account you get a PDF names like “b5862f22-c86f-4195-a756-8ea2e009da85.pdf“.

Would it help if the file had a more meaningful name such as “MYACCOUNT-NAME_ACCOUNT-NUMBER_YYYYMMDD.pdf” where you know from the name exactly what account this belongs to and a date that the file is related too?

Try a bash script to rename all files after you download them

Well Natwest in the UK does not care about fixing this small but simple problem and so here comes a small script written in bash and using pdftotxt to find the end date of the statement and give a meaningful name to your Natwest statements.

Please note that the script is not given with any sort of warranty so please the script description and the license file in the repository.

By using the script you accept the disclaimer.

I hope this script helps.
