• info@bizmate.biz


phpbrew install php 7.2 with almost everything

$ phpbrew install 7.2 +everything -dtrace -pgsql -tidy

AWS SES Credentials Generation

Simple Email Service (SES) is one of the great AWS services for email

As per original instructions, credentials for this service can be generated from the console or you could generate it from your user credentials, AWS Secret Access Key.

Getting started with PHP and RabbitMQ queues using Docker in style

RabbitMQ is a great option for the implementation of an AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) queuing system.

Why would you need a queuing system? So that you can offload heavy tasks to be processed in a separate process asynchronously and avoid blocking your client, on your website for instance.

How to perform multiple Guzzle requests at the same time?

Guzzle is a great wrapper to run Curl requests from your PHP applications

As part of my development requirements for MyReviews.link, I had to implement a fast concurrent way to perform http requests to several servers.

Mount a AWS S3 bucket on a VM running a FTP service, and spin it also on AWS EC2

This is a drive through the requirement to install an AWS S3 Bucket on a Virtual Machine, on your PC and provisioned by VirtualBox, with an FTP service that can make use of the AWS S3 Bucket for persistent distributed storage. The reason to have a S3 bucket is to allow the use of a single persistent storage for several services (for instance multiple FTP servers) running for different clients and exposed by a dedicated virtual machine.

Enable a WIFI POS from your Windows computer

Please note the below instructions are for Windows only

You might want to enable access to your Windows laptop or to the internet through a Wifi network.

update git on ubuntu server

Are you stuck with an old version of git on your ubuntu server? Please continue reading below.

Mysql – enable table logging in general_log

Sometimes in DB used by different applications you might like to monitor what queries are executed and see them directly on your mysql client, like SqlYog or Sequel Pro.

GIT archive files

This is a brief note on how to export the last revision of your git repository to a directory or archive file.

Enable SSL virtual host in apache2 xampp

SSL set up on Apache needs a ssl enabled virtual host configuration with  matching certificate and private key.